I am sorry, I cannot help you. The temptation to be the one who believes he knows, who can solve a problem for you, is immense. It is the temptation to give advice, to say how one should think, act or feel. Without a doubt, many a times, we would prefer others to solve problems for us, to relieve us of our burden. We are often looking for a quick fix, like driving a car to the garage, having it checked, diagnosed and repaired, whilst we distance ourselves, wait and observe, then pay, and return home in our now fully functional vehicle. If this works for you, then all the better.
I am convinced that change is only sustainable if it grows from within, a development from the inside out. Self-recognition is the key, learning and thus acquiring knowledge through own experiences, rather than someone else experiencing for you. The therapist sets the stage for the patient to invite new experience, without creating dependence. It is, without a doubt, useful to have companions at ones side, friends, family, teachers, professionals, which at different times of your life may accompany you on a bumpy stretch. Still, you are the one taking each step forward or backward.
In my role as a psychotherapist I see myself as a temporary companion to those who seek my support in the direction of understanding, personal growth, development and mental health. The willingness to change, in my opinion, is more defining for reaching a goal than maturity or age. In other words: change is not just open to some, but to many, if not all.